Conronavirus (covid-19) is going to have a massive impact on all small businesses
We believe that the impact of COVID-19 is the biggest threat to our business in the 28 years we have been running Thorn Marine. We also believe the sectors that are going to be hit the hardest are retail, leisure and travel. These are our main areas of business!!!
Below we have detailed what we are currently doing with in each area of our business.
Day boat Hire
First let me assure you your welfare is our priority, we have updated our cleaning policies and the boat is now deep cleaned/disinfected inside and out after each trip.
The Government have advised to minimise social gatherings, a trip out on the dayboat is usually a social gathering. So we are leaving it up to you to decide what you want to do. If you are a family group who regularly socialise or live together then going out on the boat is no different to your every day environment. If you are a group of friends who meet infrequently or in one of the danger groups then rescheduling or cancelling might be the safest option. If you do wish to talk to us then please get in touch, we can then either reschedule your day or refund you.
Pubs and restaurants etc, we believe The barn Owl, Ye Old No3, etc are still open, this may change so it will be worth double checking with the venue if it is open, or bring a Picnic to enjoy on the boat.
Currently we are not sure how long the problem is going to last or if it is going to get worse. We will keep updating Facebook and the website as things develop!
Our normal cancellation policy is quite strict, however in this situation we are proposing that, any dayboat hire booked in for March or April you can reschedule your trip to later in the year and by the end of the week we will be offering to reschedule you to the same month next year, with out loosing your 2020 deposit or balance payments*. We will, if there is no other option, cancel your booking and refund you, this is not the best option for us as it will dramatically effect our business this year. We will be rolling this offer on month by month as long is the situation continues.
*(We are due a substantial license fee upgrade next year this will have to be paid as part of the balance, it is substantial to us but when we divide it up across all the hire it will probably be around a £10 per trip.)

Short Break Hire
Again let me assure you your welfare is our priority, we have updated our cleaning policies and the boats are now deep cleaned/disinfected inside and out after each trip.
As far as we are concerned it is business as usual, there is nothing stopping you taking a holiday on one of our boats, unless you have to self isolate. We have spoken to all the customers who are booked in for March and April and they are all happy to continue to take there holiday. Our canal is lock free for over 30 miles and another 13 miles with just one small lock, so isolation is easy!
Pubs and restaurants etc, we believe are still open, this may change so it will be worth double checking if you are planning to stop off for a pub lunch, many places, we believe, will soon be offering a takeaway service.
Currently we are not sure how long the problem is going to last or if it is going to get worse. We will keep updating Facebook and the website as things develop!
We usually have strict cancellation conditions, however in this situation what we are proposing is a no quibble cancellation policy, if you need to cancel your trip in the next 2 months (rolling) due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, be that you need to isolate, you are ill, or you are just unsure we will refund you ALL of your money. I would however prefer if you didn’t cancel as this is going to dramatically effect our business and I would prefer if you would reschedule you holiday for later in the year!*
As a Special offer I will be up dating the system tonight from April 17th until the end of May Cheshire Cat Will have an additional 20% discount on all booking, these are included in our no quibble cancellation! policy! The owner of Cheshire Cat is usually over for her 6 week holiday during this period, unfortunately she is unable to travel due to the current restrictions, she has rescheduled for later in the year
*(The price of a break varies throughout the year and any difference will need to be paid.)
Shop, Boat Safety Certificates and Maintenance
Again let me assure you your welfare is our priority, we have updated our cleaning policies and are regularly sanitising all contact points, door handles, card machine, worktops, etc
The shop remains open 8-5, 7 days a week. We will monitor this and comply with any government advice. We believe diesel, coal, water, gas, pumpout, elsan, etc are all essential supplies and services. We are still getting supplies from all our suppliers and can order any special items in for you.
Boat Safety Scheme Certificates are still going ahead, we are currently waiting for an update from the Management Committee, CRT and other licencing authorities as to what the future holds, when we know more we will let you know. Our initial advice is if you need one soon and are in a high risk group/self isolating then contact the licencing authority and your insurance asap and discuss it with them.
We still have boats coming in for maintenance and blacking so if you need work to be done please contact us.
If you do need to cancel your BSSC or work for whatever reason please let us know asap we are here to help!
Also if you are stuck or need supplies, etc then please get in touch and we will do what we can to help!

Just a final word from us
Thanks for your help and understanding with this rapidly changing situation, as and when we know more we will update the site and facebook, if you are unsure about anything, please give us a call and we will see what we can sort for you.
Keep Safe and Well
Margaret, Brian, Nigel and Dan